短讯!【事象的宏图】Song: Observing the Sky
This is the English version of the lyrics attached at the end of the volume "Caelum & Lux" of the fan-fiction "A Grand Design of the Myriad Phenomena" translated by myself. See the original version here.
Now there are less than two and a half hours left until the 2023 college entrance examination. May Sorano bless the grades in mathematics, physics and English of students who will participate in the college entrance examination today and tomorrow. Soramen!
Observing the Sky
Lyrics by AoP
Composed by AoP
Promotion Video by AoP
Sung by AQUA
(Figure: Point)
(Figure: Line)
(Figure: Polygon)
(Figure: Circle)
(Figure: Descartes Cordinates)
(Figure: Euclid Space)
(Figure: Hilbert Space)
Just silently watching you, I gather up my might.
Keeping watch over you, I gain strength to fight.
Why is it that I use these hands so tender,
To gather stars for you, my heart's defender.
Why is it that I use my body so fragile,
To shield you from the world's chaos.
This sky you live under, I'm guarding it for you.
All for the most important person, my love so true.
So please love me,
Love me.
(Formula: 1+1=2)
(Formula: Pythagorean Theorem)
(Formula: Newton's Three Laws of Motion)
(Formula: Maxwell's Equations)
(Formula: E=mc^2)
(Formula: E=hν)
(Formula: Schrödinger Equation)
Walking through Minkowski space-time, never felt like this before,
I enjoy it alone, not knowing why, wanting you more.
Sitting quietly on the event horizon, never felt like this before,
You silently gaze at the starry sky, willing to explore.
In this constantly changing grand design, I offer my heart to that unchanging azure.
In this vast and endless myriad phenomena, I dedicate myself to that eternal azure.
This sky you can soar in, I've opened it for you,
All for the most important person, my love so true.
So please love me,
Love me.
(Illustration: Structure Static Analysis)
(Illustration: Molecular Motion and Thermodynamics)
(Illustration: Electromagnetic Field and Curved Space-Time)
(Illustration: Probability Distribution for the Wave Function)
(Illustration: Feynman Diagram)
(Illustration: Standard Model of Particle Physics)
(Illustration: Space-Time Curvature and Radiation of Black Hole)
Crossing boundaries of space and time,
We're close, yet so far.
Never met, never recognized,
Still, my heart's ajar.
Never communicated, never understood,
Still, I care so much.
Please give this body some love, my heart's in your clutch.
For you, my love, I'll do anything, I'll never rush.
So please love me,
Love me.
(Photo: Land)
(Photo: Ocean)
(Photo: Sky)
(Photo: Earth)
(Photo: Solar System)
(Photo: Milky Way)
(Photo: Hubble Deep Field)
Dedicated to the most important person who has been silently watched over by me.
— Aoi
短讯!【事象的宏图】Song: Observing the Sky
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